Jessica Wynne
Jessica Wynne's newest body of work, Do Not Erase, contemplates the meaning, emotion, and energy of symbols. Her photographs of mathematicians' chalkboards, and the formulas scribbled and erased on them, illuminate the narrative, linguistic, and visionary elements of these representations, providing timeless meditation on the abstraction and intimacy of visual expression.
Wynne studied at the San Francisco Art Institute and Yale University before moving to New York City in 1999. She was first introduced to the beauty of chalkboards through her neighbors Amie Wilkinson and Benson Farb, mathematics professors from the University of Chicago. Intrigued by the imagery she saw on these boards, Wynne directed her focus on capturing-rather than deciphering-the meaning and beauty of these symbols. Reminiscent of Cy Twombly's "blackboard" paintings and Brice Marden's serpentine Letters canvases, Wynne's blackboards illuminate the power of the whirling web of shapes, numbers, and calculations scribbled in the heat of discovery.
For Wynne, the poetic and the rational are not mutually exclusive. While the formulas on each board are communicated in highly specialized languages from abstruse subfields such as knot theory, combinatorics, and ergodic theory, Wynne's work embraces the visual sensuality and intuitive impression of these complex calculations, linking them to the timeless lineage of artistry and writing: cave paintings, hieroglyphics, and graffiti.
Mathematicians "see images first, not words. They see pictures before meaning," Wynne observes. This relationship between image and thought is one of the primary areas of investigation for her work. It is striking that mathematicians, unlike many scientists, continue to work on chalkboards rather than computers, and Wynne's art explores the aspects of their communication that visual artists have shared throughout time: primal, intimate, and transcendent exchange.
Each mystery unravels itself through unique formal qualities. In some of the chalkboards Wynne represents, the black expanse is riddled with Greek letters, punctuation notations, and sinuous scrawls and loops, evocative of a patterned tapestry or calligraphic scroll. Others meditate on a single, pared down shape or orderly sequence of lines. Foggy mists left behind by an eraser provide a recurrent theme throughout the series, the puffs of opaque powder testifying to the rhythmic bursts of thought and explosions of clarity. Despite the formal and intellectual diversity Wynne's work showcases, each of her chalkboards is united through an exploration of the relationship between form and expression.
Jessica Wynne lives in New York. In the spring of 2021, Princeton Press published the artist's first monograph, Do Not Erase, the name of her series inspired by notes that mathematicians often leave on their blackboards. Her work has appeared in The New York Times and National Geographic, amongst other publications, and prints are in the permanent collections of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and the Morgan Library in New York City. Wynne is a professor of photography at the Fashion Institute of Technology. Edwynn Houk Gallery premiered Do Not Erase at The Armory Show 2020, and the artist's inaugural solo exhibition at Edwynn Houk Gallery is in September 2021.
Jessica WynneArtur Avila, University of Zurich, 2019
Jessica WynneColumbia Common Room, 2019
Jessica WynneMichael Harris, Columbia University, 2019
Jessica WynneFirst Grade, Trees, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 2023
Jessica WynneLaura Balzano, University of Michigan, 2019
Jessica WynneBoya Song, MIT, 2020
Jessica WynneAmie Wilkinson, University of Chicago, at the Institut Henri Poincaré, 2020
Jessica WynneDavid Gabai, Princeton University, 2019
Jessica WynneHelmut Hofer, Institute for Advanced Studies, 2019
Jessica WynneBassam Fayad, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris, 2019
Jessica WynneJonathan Feng, University of California, Irvine, 2019
Jessica WynneNancy Hingston, Institute of Advanced Studies, 2019
Jessica WynneMitchell Faulk, Columbia University, Erased Formula #1, 2019
Jessica WynneNoga Alon, Princeton University, 2019
Jessica WynnePhilippe Michel, Swiss Institute of Technology, 2019
Jessica WynneSahar Khan, Columbia University, 2019
Jessica WynneTadashi Tokieda, Stanford University, 2019
Jessica WynneZhongyi Zhang, Columbia University, 2019
New Construction(s)
15 March - 19 April 2025 -
Winter Show
29 November 2022 - 6 January 2023 -
Jessica Wynne: Do Not Erase
2 September - 9 October 2021Jessica Wynne's inaugural exhibition of the series Do Not Erase is on view at Edwynn Houk Gallery from 2 September - 9 October 2021.Read more -
Summer Show 2021
22 May - 26 August 2021
Jessica Wynne in The New Yorker
March 5, 2024 | "How I Learned to Concentrate" by Cal Newport 5 March 2024Jessica Wynne's photograph "Philippe Michel, Swiss Institute of Technology" 2019 from her Do Not Erase series illustrates Cal Newport's essay in The New Yorker's "Office Talk" section, "How I Learned to Concentrate."Read more -
"Uncommon Denominator" at the Morgan Libary & Museum
Work by Jessica Wynne on view 10 February - 28 May 2023 15 February 2023Work from Jessica Wynne's "Do Not Erase" series is on view at the Morgan Library & Museum from 10 February - 23 May 2023.Read more -
Jessica Wynne at the Triennale Milano 2022
Until 11 December 2022 18 July 2022Mondo Reale, part of the 23rd Triennale Milano international exhibition, is a reaction on the idea of mystery and unknown through the work of 17 international artists and includes work by Jessica Wynne.Read more -
The Art of Mathematics in Chalk
Jessica Wynne in Scientific American 13 May 2021Jessica Wynne's series "Do Not Erase" reveals the allure of equations in mathematicians’ blackboard work, writes Clara Moskowitz in Scientific American.Read more -
The Timeless Beauty of a Mathematician's Chalkboard
Jessica Wynne in National Geographic 1 March 2021Mathematicians continue to calculate, solve, and create on chalkboards, even in the digital age. Jessica Wynne captures samples of their work in her series Do Not Erase.Read more -
La matematica? È poesia! Parla la fotografa Jessica Wynne
JESSICA WYNNE IN ARTRIBUNE 6 February 2020Che ricordo avete delle lezioni di matematica al liceo? Qualunque siano le sensazioni di quelle ore passate sui banchi di scuola, potrebbero tornarvi in mente...Read more -
Portfolio: Jessica Wynne by Elisabeth Biondi
JESSICA WYNNE IN PHOTOGRAPH MAGAZINE 31 January 2020It is hard to imagine how one could turn chalkboard depictions of theoretical mathematics into a beautiful photographic project, but Jessica Wynne has done just that.Read more -
This Fashion Institute of Technology Photographer Finds Art in Mathematicians’ Chalkboards
JESSICA WYNNE IN FORTUNE 23 December 2019“I realized over the years that math is a very creative process,” says photographer Jessica Wynne, a tenured professor at New York City’s Fashion Institute...Read more -
Where Theory Meets Chalk, Dust Flies
JESSICA WYNNE IN THE NEW YORK TIMES 23 September 2019For the last year, Jessica Wynne, a photographer and professor at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York, has been photographing mathematicians’ blackboards, finding...Read more